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All fiction and poetry are the sole copyright Debra LeCompte. Any use of the works are prohibited without permission. However, sharing or linking of post is acceptable, and my heart's greatest desire, providing you create a link back to:
Thank you so much for coming to my page! Communication whether spoken, written, signed, or expressed in the art forms, is the essence of the human existence.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

The Comfort of His Kiss

Buzzy shared the falling of one of our nation's only he can, being the Warrior that he is... He always has images that sear forever the name and identity of a Soldier on my heart... He did this time as well. As a nation we mourn at this loss... As a woman, I can not even imagine this woman's grief... and then there is the soon to be born son...

 Comfort From His Kiss

I heard today of another Soldier fallen through a picture of his kiss.

Lovingly and gently he had placed it on the cheek of his young wife in their bliss.

I heard today of another Soldier fallen through a picture of his kiss.
My mind reeled knowing how that familiar jester will be missed.

I heard today of another Soldier fallen through a picture of his kiss.
The news said a young son was on the way, and anguish filled my heart at this.

I heard today of another Soldier fallen through a picture of his kiss.
I cannot fully know how she will feel as she falls in the abyss.

I heard today of another Soldier fallen through a picture of his kiss.
I hope she will remember the soft touch of his lips when reality her heart does twist.

I heard today of another Soldier fallen through a picture of his kiss.
I know that when the young son needs the comfort of his father, he will feel so amiss.

I heard today of another Soldier fallen through a picture of his kiss.
Having only to touch his mother's cheek, I know he will feel the warmth of his father's kiss.

I heard today of another Soldier fallen through a picture of his kiss.
Together mother and son will have to share sweet memories and reminisce.

We will remember, but that is not enough...  We must support the families of the fallen... until 
they too leave this world...As a nation we have such a grave responsibility, a scared duty to the survivors...

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